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Image by Patrick Fore

Barbara Writes

                               Themes & Variations

Blog: Welcome


I recently received a genetic test kit as a gift. I dutifully spit into the test tube, and sent the saliva off to be analyzed. I’m third...

TWS (Trump Withdrawal Syndrome)

So, look…I’ve always been a political animal. Among my earliest memories are riding atop my father’s shoulders at a “Save the Rosenbergs”...

Lowering the Barr

I wanted to post a song tonight, but it’s not a night for singing. I watched the President of the United States be impeached today for...

My Magic Place

My last posts have been about my city (New York, of course), and my neighborhood, the West Village. That got me started thinking about...

Sing Out

Summer’s over. Pandemic’s not. No more easy porch socializing, outdoor dining, quasi-normal activities. My haunts are closed. I sing and...

Blog: Blog2
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