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Image by Patrick Fore

Barbara Writes

                               Themes & Variations

Blog: Welcome


I recently received a genetic test kit as a gift. I dutifully spit into the test tube, and sent the saliva off to be analyzed. I’m third...

TWS (Trump Withdrawal Syndrome)

So, look…I’ve always been a political animal. Among my earliest memories are riding atop my father’s shoulders at a “Save the Rosenbergs”...

Our Lady of 231st Part II

So, there my mother was in Elmhurst, an elegant grocer’s wife, taking her children in to Manhattan weekly for music lessons, where we...

Lowering the Barr

I wanted to post a song tonight, but it’s not a night for singing. I watched the President of the United States be impeached today for...

Maybe, Just Maybe You Can Go Home Again (Part 2)

In my last blog, I left you on a bitterly cold February day in 2011, as my reluctant husband, Liam, and I drove out to Far Rockaway, to...

Blog: Blog2
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